
Security teams leverage security 自动化 和 orchestration to spend less time on routine tasks 和 more time on tough problems that require a human touch.



Security orchestration is a method of connecting security tools 和 integrating disparate security systems. It is the connected layer that streamlines security processes. There’s been a steady rise in the adoption of security orchestration 和 自动化 in the security industry for good reason: automating tasks that are frequently 和 easily repeated frees up a lot of time for already squeezed security teams.

和自动化一样有用, tools working independently from each other can quickly hit a wall in terms of how much time they can save in the long run.

而不是, orchestration chains tasks together to create larger processes 和 workflows that span tool sets, which allows organizations to move beyond 自动化. It opens new possibilities to work at scale, saving security teams valuable resources 和 speeding up responses to more routine issues.


值得庆幸的是, as tools in the security stack continue to mature, manual processes that were once the daily grind for security teams are becoming more easily automated, meaning security teams can more effectively prioritize what's coming their way.

Teams only have a set number of staff 和 hours in the day, 和 even managing one-off automated tasks can becoming burdensome as the number of those tasks increase.

The tools that manage these tasks can churn out a high volume of alerts to respond to, however security teams already experience alert fatigue. If the alerts from an automated task working in isolation are ignored, 它真的节省了任何人的时间吗? 

Security orchestration relieves this burden by taking that to-do from the isolated automated task 和 instead manages the task as part of a cohesive workflow from beginning to end. 安全团队有效地利用 高飞安全解决方案 as part of their toolkit allow themselves to spend less time on the routine 和 more of their valuable time working on the tough problems that really need the human touch for investigation, 缓解, 和修复.


A security orchestration solution helps connect your automated tools so they seamlessly work together. 在很多情况下, security orchestration solutions have libraries built-in that allow tools to talk to each other, while in other cases they may need to be initially set up within the orchestrator manually, 通常通过使用工具的api.

Security teams can make use of orchestration by viewing their security processes like an algorithm: A condition or flag set in one tool will set off an action or process in another automatically, 以此类推, eliminating much of the need for a manual intervention from the team.

Processes that require pulling data sets 和 setting off tasks from multiple places lend themselves especially well to orchestration. 网络钓鱼 调查, 例如, can involve a number of small automatable tasks, 比如扫描潜在的网络钓鱼邮件 恶意软件 和 cross-checking any URLs present in the email against open-source lists of known phishing URLs.

These kinds of tasks present a certain level of cut-和-paste drudgery when done manually, but they are good c和idates for 自动化 as part of an orchestrated email phishing investigation.

When these tasks are chained within an orchestration tool, a flagged email successfully detected for phishing activity could kick off time-critical containment 和修复 tasks automatically in a ticketing system for the IT team, all without the need of any manual intervention from the security team whatsoever.

Once 自动化 came on the scene in the security field, it quickly became a crucial ally for security teams looking for relief from burdensome 和 time-consuming tasks. Orchestration is the next step for better time 和 resource management for security teams, helping professionals respond to issues more quickly 和 better prioritize what needs their attention.


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